Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Dotterel Education Trip

What I enjoyed the most was going on a trip with my friends and playing on the playground because it was awesome. The dotterels were fascinating because I got to see one in real life not just in a book.

The part I found most challenging was making the turtle because we had to decorate it with shells.

Next time we should have a bbq so we could stay longer. 


  1. 25, 2020 at 10:58 AM

    I'm glad you had such a great time with your friends whilst learning lots, Melika.
    Your turtle was really good. I think that you and your team mates did an excellent job.
    The time went so fast didn't it!?

  2. Like that you used paragraphs in your writing Melika, it sounds like a fun day, I really like turtles, I have a few wooden ones at my house that I've collected.

  3. hi meLika it's Pippa i miss you so much
